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Publication policies

The REVISTACAF.UCM publication uses the APA format, 7th edition for its texts. In order to solve any details or doubt not considered in this document, please consult the APA Manual, 7th edition.


All articles submitted to Revista Ciencias de la Actividad Física UCM must be original and unpublished. Moreover, they must be about topics related to the journal, i.e., articles whose topics are related to any of the theoretical or practical aspects in the field of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.



All Research articles must include: Introduction, the methods, the results, the discussion, the conclusion and the bibliography. It may have a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 50 bibliographic citations and 4 tables and/or figures.

The Review articles ought to include: Introduction, the methods, the results, the discussion, the conclusion and the bibliography.. It may have a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 50 bibliographic citations (bibliography that appeared during the last 10 years) and 6 tables and/or figures. In addition, it is requested that they be guided by the PRISMA guidelines and it is recommended that they have registered their study on platforms such as PROSPERO or equivalent.


All articles must be submitted with a title that summarizes the main idea of the topic addressed, in both Spanish, English and/or Portuguese (between 12 and 15 words).


Articles must have a brief summary in Spanish, English and/or Portuguese of no more than 15 lines or 250 words spaced at 1.5. This summary must contain the main aspects of interest for the reader to know. The summary must be a single paragraph and must follow the style of structured summaries, but without headings: 1) Objectives: Place the question addressed in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study; 2) Methods: Briefly describe the main methods or treatments applied. 3) Results: Summarize the main findings of the article; and 4) Conclusion: Indicate the main conclusions or interpretations. The abstract should be an objective representation of the article: it should not contain results that are not presented and substantiated in the main text and it should not exaggerate the main conclusions.

Key words

Articles must include a maximum of 5 keywords in Spanish, English and/or Portuguese. The keywords must be those that give the article thematic identity. We recommend using MeSH and/or DeCS terms.


All articles must be exclusively submitted in Word format through the OJS Submission (Open Journal Systems) platform which is the on-line editorial system used by the Revista Ciencias de la Actividad Física UCM

Number of pages

All articles must be submitted with a maximum extension of 20 pages.

Identification information

“Key Information Template” 

All articles must include am attached file with “key information” about the lead author and co-authors:

  • Author: (Last Name 1-Last Name 2, First Name 1, First Name 2
  • Academic degree (in the case of more than one, only the highest one must be reported):
  • Institution: (University, Faculty)
  • Identification of the department, laboratory and/or study group:
  • Country:
  • Email:
  • Social networks: (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin)
  • Areas of interest:

Tables and figures

Tables and figures must be presented in an editable format, with Arabic numbering in the order that they are mentioned. Moreover, they must be in a size that allows reading clarity, with titles, numbering, headings, notes and sources (accordingly). For more details, please consult APA 7th edition

Publication of work

The admission of a paper for publication in REVISTACAF.UCM depends on, primarily, the technical opinion expressed by the referees consulted. This report is confidential and in case two of the requested reports are positive, the Editorial Board will decide what number the article will be published in. The author will then be notified, along with the co-authors.

Statement of originality and conflict of interest

“Certificate of Originality Template”

All authors will be required to agree to and comply with the statement of “originality and conflict of interest” while in the process of submitting their work through the on-line platform. This statement specifies that: a) the article is original and meets the editorial standards of the journal b) the article is unpublished c) the author has no commitments or financial obligations with either state or private institutions which may affect the content, results or conclusions of their work.

Dissemination rights session

All authors will be required to agree with the “statement of network dissemination rights” which specifies that the authors retain their copyrights and transfer the right to the first publication to REVISTACAF.UCM The work will be under the Creative Commons license.


All articles must conform to the APA standard 7th edition.

Letter type must be Montserrat Light size 9, spaced 1,5.

Titles and subtitles may contain a maximum of 5 levels of titles and subtitles. Numbers must not be used for titles or subtitles.

Citations will be incorporated into the text, not at the foot of the page or at the end, using the author, year system. If an author's words are cited exactly, they must be enclosed in quotation marks and the page number must be included. Example: “finding solutions to social problems was much more difficult than originally thought” (House, 1992, p. 47). When a paraphrase of an idea is used, credit to the author must be given. Example: House (1992) points out that it is necessary to take into account the interests of all parties involved.

The article will begin with the title centered. Under the title, equally centered, this will appear in English and Portuguese, then the name of the author(s) recorded in the super index the author would like to declare (academic degrees, other institutions where he/she works, etc.). After the name you must include the name of the institution where you work (only include the main affiliation) and then the city, country, ORCID and contact email.

NOTES: Explanatory notes to the text will be indicated in the text by means of superscript numbering, but their content will be presented at the end of the text, consecutively and not at the foot of the page.

Bibliographic references

The bibliographic references used in the article (only those that have been cited) arranged alphabetically by author's last name and following the normalized criteria according to APA 7th edition standards. We recommend preparing references with a bibliography software package, such as EndNote, Mendeley, Reference Manager, or Zotero to avoid typos and duplicate references.

Citations and references in supplementary files are permitted as long as they also appear in the main text and in the reference list.

References should be described as follows, depending on the type of work:

For Books: Last names, name initials, (year). Title of the book. Publishing company.

For Journal Articles: Last names, name initials, (year). Title of the article. Title of journal, volume (number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxxx

For Book Chapters: Last names, name initials, (year). Title of the chapter.Title of the book, (pages). Publishing company.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to make formal changes to the application of the previous norms if it deems appropriate, without altering, in any way, the content of the work.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format valid for version 2003, in which it is not possible to identify the authors of the same and using the "Template" of the Journal Physical Activity Science UCM.
  • Whenever possible, quotes from other databases are used: Scielo, Scopus or Wos (this will significantly help with the indexing processes for which the journal is applying for). And web addresses have been added for reference where possible.
  • All of the articles submitted to this journal are sent for peer-review. Moreover, document instructions must be followed and must Ensure an anonymous evaluation in order to avoid delays in the initial editorial processes.
  • This article has not been previously published and nor has it been submitted to any other journal (neither has an explanation been provided for in the comments to the editor). The document named “Certificate of Originality" has been downloaded and filled in (Send this document together with the article).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements required by theAuthor Guidelines.
  • The identification of the authors is done in the metadata. And I have downloaded and completed the"Key Information"document with all the information of the main author and co-authors. (Send this document together with the article) in which all the data of the authors, full names, academic affiliations, country, ORCID and emails are reflected, as well as, title, abstract and keywords in Spanish, English and/or Portuguese.

    NOTE: The ORCID number is individual and mandatory for each author, and is necessary for registration in the DOI (in case of error, it is not possible to register in the DOI).