Published: 2012-12-03

Description of the nutritional state in a sample made of public school's students from the city of Vilcún, 9th región, Chile

Claudio Regla Garrido, Ricardo Molina Vásquez, Rodrigo Vargas Vitoria, Cristian Martínez Salazar, Vanessa Carrasco Alarcón


Corporal composition and nutritional state in a sample made of students aged between 9 and 12 years from La Araucanía, Chile

René Navarrete Godoy, Deisse Bustos Pacheco, Patricio Gatica Mandiola, Cristián Martinez Salazar, Vanessa Carrasco Aalarcón


Response of the heart rate, blood lactate and perceived exertion in a group of women during interval mode spinning® sessions

Christian Campos Jara, Cristian Oyarzún Barría, Vanessa Carrasco Alarcon, Cristian Martínez Salazar, Rodrigo Ramirez Campillo


Characterization of the somatotype of university students

Vanessa Carrasco Alarcón, Cristian Martínez Salazar, Erik Díaz Bustos, Héctor Silva Mella, Osvaldo Jirón Amaro


Gross motor development level in NB2 students from Talcahuano, 8th region - Chile

Cristián Luarte Rocha, Carol Flores Rivera, Felipe Poblete Valderrama
